сторінка 150 task 5 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Кучма 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Кучма

Відповідь ГДЗ до p. 150 task 5:

I don't know whether many people remember Tom Crabbe when he was a student in this city. Probably not many, though he was a powerfully built fellow, always in a good mood, always laughing, with a voice like the roar of a lion.
Crabbe graduated from college a year before I did, and went to a large port town in the south to
start practising medicine. A brilliant career seemed to lie before him; besides his excellent knowledge of medicine he had that special manner that makes a patient believe in him at once.
Crabbe went there with his "young" diploma and his still younger wife to settle in this town, which we shall call Brisport. For some time, I heard little about my friend. I once read a short article by him in a research journal, but that was all.
One day, to my surprise I received a telegram from Mrs. Crabbe asking me to come down to Brisport and see her husband, as he was not at all well. I started by the next train, seriously worried about my friend. Mrs. Crabbe met me at the station. She told me Tom became very nervous; he had almost no patients, the house and his doctor's office cost
more than they could afford and they hoped I would be able to give them some advice.
I found Crabbe looking much worse than I had ever seen him. He was thin and pale, his eyes had lost their old fire, he never laughed and seldom even smiled: there was nothing to remind me of the energetic, strong young man I had known.
After dinner the three of us held a meeting - it was more like a council of war - at which Tom spoke of his troubles. "What can I do, Jack?" he asked. "People here simply don't know that I exist. There are too many doctors here already, and most of them don't know more about medicine that I know about dressmaking. But how will people ever learn that I'm a better doctor?"
"Can't you invent a patient with a strange illness that you can discuss in a medical journal? And then, we can arrange an interview with newspaper reporters."
"Newspapers?" Crabbe said thoughtfully. "Hm! Not a bad idea. It's worth thinking about. But we'll do that tomorrow morning. You're tired now, and sleep is a necessary part of human life".
We had another council of war the next day. It was Sunday, and as we sat at the window smoking and watching the crowds in the street, we discussed many plans for achieving public recognition.